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Working ‘on’ Versus Working ‘in’

Many small business owners don’t spend the time they should thinking about their business. They spend their time doing the core work of their business.


As discussed in our previous workshop, you spend your time only once. Every hour you spend working in your business is an hour that you’re not spending working on it. The trade-off is working either on today’s business or on tomorrow’s business. Too much time on tomorrow’s business and you will have no income; too much time on today’s business and you will fail to plan for tomorrow.

Successful small business entrepreneurs create a high-performance environment where they devote 20 to 100 per cent of their time purely on strategic work. That is, figuring out how to grow the company, how to sell more, how to reach new markets, how to support the sales team, how to support and improve marketing, how to improve numbers and performance, how to attract key players to add to your team, how to attract and use consultants to improve the company’s performance.

Successful business owners spend most of their time thinking about the business, strategising about it, and realise it is the most important work they can do.

If you haven’t done it already, we recommend that the most important change you can make is to find three to five hours every week to work on the business, not just in it. I have found that clients who do this, nearly always exceed their expectations.

If you’d like to learn more, we offer various business advisory programs that you may be interested in.


